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Hajni Petrof


Woman in white dress holding baby

Weston-super-Mare - England - United Kingdom

The Weston-super-Mare university Special effect HMUA students did join into my mental health project called The Mental Health Photographer. Every student had to analyse a mental health issue/mental ill health/mental health disorder and they had to create their own interpretation, using their learned skills, to build up and represent their subjects. From the raw materials, I have created digital photography artworks. The aim of the mental health project is to raise awareness, transfer knowledge and understanding about mental health to gain acceptance and encourage the viewers to support people who live with mental ill health. This piece represents Postnatal Depression. This mental illness can affect partners as well. It is a very dark place to be after your beautiful child born, and unfortunately, this is one of those conditions, I have experienced myself. The symptoms are on a wild range: anxiety, depression, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, the constant presence of guilt, inability, self-questioning, low self-esteem, low self-confidence... It is a very complex and very severe condition, which can lead to a disaster if it goes on untreated and unrecognised. They aren't just hormones. Special Effect HMUA, outfit and prosthetics: Rebecca Cameron Model: Mari Kerrigan

Size:4000px x 5176px
Camera Used:SONY - ILCE-7M3
Shoot Date:March 4, 2022 1:53 PM
Posted Date:April 2, 2022 7:50 AM

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