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Laurentiu Vlad


Malagasy village sorcerer posing with his gun

Ranohira - Ihorombe - Madagascar

The Dahalo are a large group of people living in rural areas of southern Madagascar. They can be easily spotted as many of them walk around armed with either hunting r¡fles or hatchets. The are known for their marginal lifestyles as cow thieves. Since the Dahalo live in remote areas, law enforcement is often unable to curve their activities, as entire regions fall under their control. Therefore, many young men from rural territories become cow bandits due to lack of opportunities and government outreach. Boys as young as 12 can be seen patrolling with guns, while hatchets are given to them as soon as they can walk. - Despite Christianity being the dominant religion, superstition, animism and belief in magic remain widespread in Madagascar. The Dahalo are no exception, as their lives largely revolve around pagan rituals and advice from local village sorcerers. Village sorcerers, or Marabouts, are an authority figure also acting as healers, councillors and religious leaders. Many people seek their help in personal matters, weather it is through council or magic. As a result, a lot of Dahalo can be seen carrying amulets, which according to them harbour blessings or convey powers such as immunity to bullets or invisibility. To create amulets, sorcerers often ask for sacrifices raging from rare animals to, in rare cases human beings such as albino people, hunted for their eyes or police officers.

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Posted Date:January 3, 2024 8:12 PM

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