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Valentina Oyon


Man and woman standing in front of counter

Getting into the world of photography has been a unique and passionate challenge for me. I’m a young professional graduated in a Digital Arts and Design degree. I started photography after as a hobby, taking pictures purely to wonderful architecture, a very detailed eye, as you can see that’s why I’m a designer… Following lines and find the perfect image, it is harmonious to my eye. How people say “No one is born knowing how to study”; I motivated myself to keep doing photography as I started falling in love, explored different branches of photography such as, portraits, food photography, cinematography photography and more, and started to improve till I started studying it because I actually wanted to know more, get all my skills out of me and know about its history just to understand it better. Nowadays, photography stills a hobby, I keep improving and I’ll achieve my goals as a photographer to being successful with my own art and be on the top of the world.

Size:5184px x 3456px
Camera Used:Canon - Canon EOS Rebel T6
Shoot Date:February 14, 2020 5:11 AM
Posted Date:June 20, 2020 10:13 PM

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