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Jose Monsieur Santos


Woman in black tank top sitting on black ball

Manila - Metro Manila - Philippines

People's Movement on Debt and Development(APMDD) today joined hundreds of organizations and advocates for worldwide participating in a global week of action to demand debt cancellation amid multiple crises in the globe as international lenders led by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund(IMF) meet in Washington Dc for their annual meetings. Hundreds of Filipino activists marched in front of the Philippine Senate to call for immediate debt cancellation and the repeal of the Automatic Appropriations Law. APMDD Coordinator Lidy Nacpil stated that the Philippines is one of many countries around the world caught in multiple crises of public health, economic recession and climate change.

Size:5472px x 3648px
Camera Used:Canon - Canon EOS 6D
Shoot Date:October 13, 2022 11:59 AM
Posted Date:October 13, 2022 6:02 AM