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Daria Buriakova


People on street

For a month now, protests have been taking place every day in New York. I was on one of them and was impressed by the energy that came from the people. There were about 500 protesters. Children, young and old, all of them, as one organism that wants justice. I was delighted at how people supported each other. Throughout the rally, I saw passers-by who handed out free water, snacks and pizza to the protesters. Ahead rode cyclists who cleared the road, but the cars themselves drove off and honked in solidarity. At such moments, I love this city most of all and believe that by uniting we can defeat racial inequality.

Size:4160px x 6240px
Camera Used:Canon - Canon EOS 6D Mark II
Shoot Date:June 10, 2020 4:45 AM
Posted Date:June 26, 2020 6:39 PM