Social distancing... Due to COVID-19 outbreak in Nigeria, all social gathering has been banned including churches and mosques, gathering of people more than 10 is disallowed, this term is referred to as social distancing. IMG_1222. Muslim brothers and a sister praying in the mosque, observing social distancing. This is unlike other years in which they will all have to come and pray in groups. This image is an excerpt from the project 'Ramadan in Covid", in which I documented the activities of Muslim youths during the fasting period. The key activities of Ramadan include Tefsir teachings, Iftar, Jakar among others. The project intends to see how Muslim youths in my environment cope socially with the change in the usual religious activities even with the restriction due to coronavirus. The project was done in Alase Community, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. April, 2020. #HarperCollins #socialdistancing #covid19 #ramadanincovid #religion