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christiannanda andika pradana


Man in yellow shirt and black backpack sitting on rock

Pamijahan - West Java - Indonesia

Along the way to the Thousand Waterfalls you will be spoiled with beautiful natural panoramas, it's no wonder that many travelers like to visit this waterfall. Mini forests in the village area of ​​​​the surrounding community, fields, plantations and expanses of rice fields will always accompany you when traveling to Curug Seribu. But to see the beauty of this waterfall, you won't get it that easily, because you have to pass through a fairly tough field. It will take you about 1 hour on foot from the parking area to the point where this Thousand Curug is located. With a fairly slippery and steep terrain, but at the end of your trip, you will see a very beautiful and exotic natural landscape. But to always remember to be careful during your trip. Uniquely, you can find some clear springs and you can drink directly. Not only that, it is also necessary to know that your journey to this waterfall will pass through several hills that have a slope of about 45 degrees so that a fit physical condition is a must when visiting this tourist area.

Size:3368px x 6000px
Camera Used:Canon - Canon EOS 200D
Shoot Date:April 3, 2022 12:06 PM
Posted Date:May 20, 2022 11:13 AM

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