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Robiee Ziegler


Man in white crew neck shirt kissing woman in black knit cap

“MAKING WAVES” A Social Distancing Portrait Series by Robiee Ziegler Confined to our homes, whether with loved ones or alone, this time of social distancing tells a story that’s a little different for us all. In this new portrait series, “Making Waves”, LA based photographer Robiee Ziegler, documents the quarantine stories of residents throughout Los Angeles County as they become a part of our history. While remaining a minimum of 10 feet away (and her mask and gloves in-tact), Robiee reminds us all through the images she’s captured, that even though we may feel lonely during this time of separation, we are not alone. From individuals braving the quarantine on their own, to families of all sizes, “Making Waves” shares the stories of how the new social boundaries have directly affected the daily lives of so many residents here in LA. The portraits portray participants of the series in their quarantine habitats as Robiee stops by for a quick “hello!”. Since the launch of the project, an outpour of support has come in nationwide, with requests spanning from out of state, asking Robiee to capture the smiles of friends or family members who have been separated because of the pandemic. By showcasing the resilience of individuals throughout our community, the daily images and stories continue to serve as a light for many in these rather dark times. Features in the series are available by donations of any amount. The day will come when the world starts up again and traffic returns to the 101, but until then, Robiee will be “Making Waves” for all of us throughout LA.

Size:4559px x 6835px
Camera Used:SONY - ILCE-7RM3
Shoot Date:March 25, 2020 1:05 PM
Posted Date:February 4, 2021 12:02 AM

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