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Sofia Tóthová


Brown and white butterfly on persons hand

Konstanz - Baden-Württemberg - Germany

The ocean picture was shot in Chalkidiki, Greece while on holiday. I went on a peaceful walk and suddenly saw these stairs leading up to the ocean with a beautiful sunset in the background, I immediately had to photograph it. The picture with the butterfly has the most meaning for me. My grandpa used to love butterflies and just after a few days after he passed away, this little guy landed on my finger. I couldn´t believe it , it seemed like a sign. The last picture was shot in an old city in Switzerland. A wedding was taking place and the new wed couple released the balloons into the air together, I got this great shot of the balloons flying away. If you look closer, there are normal round balloons as well as some heart shaped ones.

Size:4032px x 3024px
Camera Used:Apple - iPhone SE
Shoot Date:September 28, 2017 3:22 PM
Posted Date:June 21, 2020 4:33 PM

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