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Abhay Patel


Sikh men celebrating holla mohalla

Anandpur Sahib - Punjab - India

Hola Mohalla is a three-day long Sikh festival that traditionally follows on from Holi, Held at Anandpur Sahib is also known as Hola and has roots in the story of the child Bhagat, Pahlad, and his triumph over Holika. The story has come to Symbolise the triumph of good over evil. Holi is celebrated to honour the bravery of a particular sect of Sikh warriors, Nihang Sikh and is known as Hola Mohalla or Hola in this region. The festival includes a profound display of martial arts, horse-riding, and reciting poetry. A festival that celebrates brotherhood, fraternity and valour, Hola Mohalla was started by the Tenth Sikh leader, Guru Gobind Singh, in the 17th century.The name of this project is Hola Mohalla, It is a place in the state of Punjab, Anandpur Sahib in India, People from all over the world come here, I went here for the first time and My photography experience was very good here, I saw many energetic things which I had never seen before though it is too risky to shoot here and at the same time there is a lot of amazing experience also.

Size:3558px x 4538px
Posted Date:March 22, 2022 10:00 AM

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