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Roberto Moreno


Man in green coat holding stick

China - Beijing - Beijing

Having recently moved to Beijing during December, I wanted to check out the Forbidden City, now that there were not that many people allowed in due to COVID-19, I would have more time seeing the location and experiencing its grandeur. December is always a cold season in Beijing and during COVID-19 the Forbidden City can be a cold and boring place to watch over - if you aren’t’ entertained watching people. I’m sure the guards at times need to relax their eyes for a minute of two before coming back to realize nothing is happening in front of them. Unless, a spectator like me, is there to capture that moment. There are guards everywhere at the Palace with rotating assignments. I’m sure this was one of those seconds. #HARPERCOLLINS

Size:5716px x 3811px
Camera Used:SONY - ILCE-7RM4
Shoot Date:December 26, 2020 2:23 PM
Posted Date:July 14, 2021 3:57 PM