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Paris - Île-de-France - France

Pigmato #NFT #Metaverse The Lemonpiacs are a breed of Lemoniacs that are artificially cultivated by the tyrannical monarchy of the kingdom of Lemonia, to fulfill public order functions. This breed has an expressly porcine phenotype. The monarchy cultivates (creates) them artificially to ensure that their fidelity is maximum and to avoid all kinds of coup d’état. Lemonpiacs are violent, repressive, oppressive, and incorruptible. The injustices in the kingdom of Lemonia, genocides, massacres, famines and rapes have been perpetuated by this artificial caste that has neither soul nor criteria of its own. Born entirely digital, they are the original, first NFTs of the Metaverse of Lemonia, followed by the LemoniácosMeta. The LemoniácosMeta were born on paper but found a way into the digital world in the search for color. They crossed the boundries of reality to enter the holy hologram of Lemonia’s Metaverse. That’s why they are called LemoniácosMeta. Originally only in black and white, they found color in the digital world, a colorful reflection of themselves that they truly enjoy having. In the metaverse they exist both in black and white and in colors. The Bankutikus-Lemonpiacs are currently working to process the Lemofiac coin into a cryptocurrency from the Lemonia metaverse. Currently searching investors for developing the metaverse - "LEMONIA: The Kingdom of Passions" is a graphic series which, to date, has more than a hundred ballpen drawings in large, medium, and small format, as well as a book of etchings, a large-format oil portrait, and a collection of stories that tell the life of characters that dwell in the kingdom. Lemonia is a fictitious universe ruled by buffoons who embody the human passions and are called Lemoniácos. This project emerges from a striving to understand the relationship that human passions have with the pursuit of autonomy. History has taught me that societies adapt to the changes of their times. That said, social dynamics, values and the forms in which they are expressed, can vary more or less drastically. Nevertheless, philosophy has taught me that whatever form societies take, human needs, the condition of the human soul, human passions, remain constant. Launched in 2011, Lemonia is an artistic project which goal is the creation of an autonomous aesthetic universe. It consists and will consist of several artistic expressions, such as: • Series of drawings: Lemoniácos • Series of paintings: Portraits of Lemonia • Series of engravings: Impressions of Lemonia • Series of photographs: The caryatids of Lemonia • Series of sculptures: The foundations of Lemonia • Music: Harmonies of Lemonia • Illustrated novel: Testimony of a Lemoniáco • Birth certificates: Birth certificates of Lemoniácos • Feature film: Lemonia: The kingdom of passions • Metaverse: Lemonia, the Metaverse • Video games: Lemonia, the video game The kingdom of Lemonia is a dystopian kingdom, ruled by buffoons, who embody human passions and who are called Lemoniácos. Regnum Lemoniacorum (Kingdom of Passions) 4 AJ - 9 AJ (4th year after Johann - 9th year after Johann) Nota bene: The Lemoniáco calendar starts on the 1st year after Johann (1 AJ) which corresponds to the year 2007 of the Gregorian calendar. The Lemofiac is the official currency of Lemonia. - 1 Lemofiac is equivalent to 100 Centerias, i.e. two CAIs. - 1 CAI is 50 Centerias of a “taken” adult human soul that is still alive but suffering in the world of Humanutus. - The 20 CAI correspond to young souls “in trouble”. - The 10 CAI is worth the weight of the souls of children “caught” in pain. - The suicide of a Humanutus, is not a coin, it is a diamond called Diamucdum and it has no fixed value. It is auctioned off to the highest bidder during a Susflech. Lemonia’s economy is therefore based on quantifying the suffering of humanutus souls caused by their human passions. The more pain, the more value. Lemoniac language. It comes from Poli (several). It is based on linguistic eclecticism. The roots are from multiple and arbitrary humanutus (human) languages. The endings are capriciously chosen by Homo Pathis* As the Lemoniacos are immortal, they live without time. So there are no declensions of past, present or future of any kind in the Poliliac. There are no genders either, since the Lemoniacos are passions and buffoons and have neither masculine nor feminine gender. Poliliac is a rudimentary and basic language. Grammatically it is made up of word unions without articles or anything. It is a pragmatic and crude language, like instinct, which does not think, which does not analyze. Prehistoric language, without a doubt. Language of the human soul. Language of passions. Sziajênt. Amórk Lemoniáco. Vivrent regnum lemoniacorum, Aristótelisa glavnôcap sthusit sakomdidet sielmea- nîma humanutus catrong kmk dasavilif qal’ék Corationelis regnum sacrosant Romulus, dutrencinca kmk azunèstô Stomachulino chamhür amórk misaiprosh Luxuriaminis bug jjulà Sapiento. Virum netnaid thamórk vremetosh, Lemoniácos amórk matekür-is. Vivrent Lemonia! Piesaricunan Summer! Passionitas. Afícurí. Vivrent Vechnos. Nasevisa Homo Pathis. Hello. I am a Lamoniáco. I live in the kingdom of Lemonia, in Aristotélisa, its capital, which is located in the depths of the human soul, 400 km west of the Corationelis citadel of the sacrosant kingdom of Romulus and 235 km east of Stomachulino. In the south it borders with Luxuriaminis and in the north with Sapiento. There is no time here. Lemoniácos are immortal. Long live Lemonia! Beware of Summer! Passion. Feel. Live forever. So be it. Homo Pathis. Aristocentric anthropocentrism which major deity is HOMO PATHIS * (Man of passion, man who suffers) who is the maximum divinity, the creator of Lemonia Main Prayer: We are born. And then we spend our lives healing Enferno Lemoniacurum, where the demons of Lemonia live. Hierarchy: - SUMMER* - Summers - Summerians Potere - Egontros - Vanitentus Absolute and totalitarian monarchy - - Monarchie absolue et totalitaire “ The only way to lead a nation of villains is first to convince them that they are victims ”- - TZARS - Noblesse - Petite Noblesse - Lemonpiacs - Pationics - Colerómpicus “ The only way to lead a nation of villains is first to convince them that they are victims ”- - Amoróntucs - « Le seule moyen de mener un peuple des vilains, c’est d’abord de les convaincre qu’ils sont des victimes » Having as a subject of study the mastery of passions as a means of achieving autonomy, this project is based on the philosophical research of Aristotelian concepts concerning the dual nature of passions, which can be creative or destructive. Lemonia appears anxious to understand the relationship that the passions have with the search for autonomy. Indeed, it is the acceptance of the dual nature of the passions (which are both creative and destructive) that allows the soul to master its human condition. “One day, I knew love, really very strongly. Six years later, I had known hate, as strongly as I had once known love. Really, very strongly. It was then that I was confronted with the paradox of BEING. And it was then that my human condition of loving and hating at the same time, had founded in my soul, forever, LEMONIA ” For discovering the entire series of Lemonia, visit:

Size:4096px x 4096px
Shoot Date:April 3, 2023 1:39 PM
Posted Date:April 3, 2023 11:59 AM

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